A Decade of Devolution: Does it measure up? CALL FOR PAPERS

A Decade of Devolution:Does it measure up? CALL FOR PAPERS

Radical Statistics will hold its annual conference in Edinburgh,Saturday March 1st, 2008.

Paper proposals relating to any related topics are welcome, including:
* Changes in attitudes toward national identity in the UK
* Comparability of official statistics across devolved countries
* Devolved policies on care for the elderly: is there evidence for improved quality of life?
* Poverty and wealth inequality across the UK; mapping deprivation
* Health statistics, mortality: is there a 'Scottish effect'?
* Effects of tuition fees on young people in debt, or on higher education
* Migration in an expanded EU and policy on asylum seekers
* Voting patterns and multi-party politics
* or other relevant topic to the theme.

The Radical Statistics Group was formed in 1975 as part of the radical science movement associated with the establishment of the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS). The researchers and statisticians who started Radstats shared a common concern about the political implications of their work and an awareness of the actual and potential misuse of statistics. Members of Radical Statistics believe that statistics can be used to support radical campaigns for progressive social change.

Please send an abstract of your paper indicating the topic and outlining your use of statistics to the organising committee at conf08@radstats.org.uk. (Enquiries also welcome.)

*** The deadline for proposals has been extended to 19 October. ***

View previous conferences, http://www.radstats.org.uk/conf2008/call.htm

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